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What is Ecocide? Could criminalizing it be a lifeline against Climate Change?

Island nations heavily affected by climate change, like Vanuatu, Fiji, and Samoa have called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to make ecocide a global crime, similar to genocide and war crimes. This move could enable prosecutions against corporate and national leaders who knowingly contribute to environmental degradation.

What is Ecocide?

Ecocide refers to “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge of likely severe, widespread, or long-term environmental damage.” The use of Agent Orange in Vietnam was what prompted American Biologist Arthur Galston to coin the term in the 1970s. Today, ecocide could include activities like oil spills, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions that lead to irreversible ecosystem damage.

The Push for Global Recognition

The push to criminalize ecocide is gaining momentum each passing day. It is believed by advocates that such legislation could act as a deterrent, pushing policymakers to take more decisive action against environmental harm. Jojo Mehta, co-founder of Stop Ecocide International, argues that making ecocide a crime sets moral and legal boundaries that make extreme environmental harm unacceptable.

Why Ecocide Matters to Pacific Island Nations

For low-lying island nations, the effects of climate change like rising sea levels and stronger storms are existential threats. Vanuatu, which first proposed adding ecocide to the ICC’s list of international crimes, claims that legal recognition will help achieve justice and deter more environmental destruction.

Making ecocide a recognized international crime will be a slow process. It represents an important step toward holding those responsible for environmental harm accountable.

Ecocide on the Global Stage

In recent years, the call to criminalize ecocide has grown louder. With penalties including up to 20 years of imprisonment and fines, Belgium became one of the first countries to officially criminalize ecocide in 2023. Some other nations like France, the Netherlands, Spain, and Mexico, are considering passing similar legislations. Russia has also included ecocide in its criminal code. However, it’s enforcement seems to be questionable as it has been accused of committing ecocide during its war against Ukraine.

Despite ecocide being a recognized crime now in 11 countries, there are challenges to its broader implementation.Major global polluters like the United States, China, Russia, and India are not ICC member states and could resist any rulings on jurisdictional grounds. Critics state that current definitions of ecocide, particularly the use of the term “wanton” concerning environmental harm, set the bar too high for successful prosecution, allowing defendants to claim that economic benefits justified their actions.

Ecocide Laws: A Key Tool Against Climate Change

The introduction of ecocide laws in various countries has the potential to combat the ill effects of climate change by holding individuals and corporations legally accountable for causing environmental harm. 

These laws could help curb activities that exacerbate climate change, such as deforestation, excessive fossil fuel extraction, and pollution, by criminalizing them. For instance, industries responsible for deforestation or large-scale pollution may face legal repercussions if their actions are deemed to cause long-term environmental damage. This creates a strong deterrent and promotes better corporate responsibility, pushing businesses toward more sustainable practices. 

Moreover, the ecocide laws align with the broader movement for environmental justice and the recognition of the right to a healthy environment. By integrating these laws into the international legal framework, governments can better enforce climate commitments, which are crucial for achieving global climate goals like the Paris Agreement. Legal frameworks like these could become essential tools in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preserving ecosystems critical to climate stability.

This push for legal accountability is part of a wider effort to combat the global climate crisis. It aims for long-term solutions that prioritize human rights and environmental protection.

The History of Ecocide: From the Vietnam War to International Law

The concept of “ecocide” has been developing over several decades, with roots dating back to the 1970s. The term was first coined by American biologist Arthur Galston, who became alarmed at the environmental damage caused by the herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. Galston, who initially researched plant growth regulators, was horrified by the defoliation and lasting harm caused by the chemical, which was linked to cancer and congenital disabilities. This sparked his call to end its use, stating it was a “misuse of science.”

While the idea of ecocide gained some traction in the 1970s, it wasn’t until 1972, at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, that Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme highlighted the term. He described the “immense destruction” caused by war tactics like bombing, bulldozing, and herbicide use as ecocide. He called for urgent international attention to address such environmental devastation.

Over the years, the campaign to criminalize ecocide has evolved, with environmental lawyers and activists pushing for legal frameworks to hold perpetrators accountable for severe environmental damage. In 2021, a panel of criminal and environmental lawyers from around the world formally developed a legal definition of ecocide. The definition outlined “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe, widespread, or long-term damage to the environment.”

The advocacy group Stop Ecocide International, co-founded by Jojo Mehta, has been instrumental in promoting the idea of adding ecocide to the list of international crimes recognized by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Recognizing ecocide would place it alongside genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, establishing a powerful moral and legal boundary to deter environmental harm.

What lies ahead

Despite these challenges, the campaign to criminalize ecocide continues to grow. For island nations and vulnerable communities, legal recognition of ecocide offers a pathway to justice and a means to deter further environmental destruction. As climate change and biodiversity loss dominate global risk assessments, the call to include ecocide as an international crime is more urgent than ever, emphasizing the need for immediate action.

While it may take years for ecocide to be universally recognized and enforced, advocates like Stop Ecocide International and Pacific island nations represent a crucial step in the fight to protect ecosystems from irreversible damage.


What is ecocide and could it become an international crime like genocide?

What is ecocide and which countries recognize it in law?

Banner: Photo by MiningWatch Portugal on Unsplash

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Manjori Borkotoky
Manjori Borkotoky
Articles: 86


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